
Principal Message

Mr. Nishith J. Modhia
I/C Principal
M.Sc. (Physics), M.Ed.

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Smt. Chandrakantaben G. Dhanka Science College, Affiliated to Shri Govind Guru University, Godhra. an institution of academic excellence and achievement, was established in 2016. Smt.C. G. Dhanka Science College is a Vibrant Contemporary Institution which offer Bachelor of Science course in Dahod. The College is known for excellence in imparting meaningful education to both boys and girls of tribal area and to empower them to face challenges of life with utter confidence and pride. The College is located in the depths of the nature surrounded by many huge trees. Smt C. G. Dhanka Science College is an Academic Institution committed in creating responsible citizens of the country who are able to adapt to the ever-changing global environment.

The college focuses on development of versatile personality with an emphasis on Science and real life. Our College is committed to the development of emotional growth along with the intellectual excellence of our Students. This empowers them to develop their Self-esteem, Self-awareness and Self-confidence. We believe in giving our students strong values along with a set of wings that can carry them far and wide. In other words, our students are equipped to face the challenges of the rapidly changing world.

I wish the students the very best and bless them to Achieve Success and come out with flying colors.

Believe in Yourself! Have Faith in Your Abilities!

“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future”. Remember “The reward of every good action will be good only”.

Best wishes,
Mr. Nishith J. Modhia,
M.Sc., M.Ed.
